Thursday, May 10, 2007

Kebabs by the road side

"Never eat stuff that you get on road side" I am sure your mother must have told it to you a thousand times. Well even my mom used to tell me this but its human tendency to do things which others tell us not to. I have always wanted to taste kebabs that are available at small stalls on the road. Stall wont be the right word to describe it, usually its a guy sitting on a metal chair in front of a sigree making kebabs. Kebab in case you didn't know is a Middle Easten dish made using Chicken / Lamb / Fish / Beef.

Well I had tasted kebabs earlier but that was in restaurants. So just wanted to find out the difference between the two. The first time I tried Seek kabab and
there was not much difference in the taste, plus they were cheap, a plate of kebabs (2 kebabs) costs 10 Rs. A few days later sudesh and me tried chicken kebabs, these were a bit expensive at 30 Rs a plate and that is because chicken is expensive in Pune.

So if anyone in Pune wishes to try kebabs by the roadside my advice to that person would be to go ahead and try it..

1 comment:

fritzdsouza said...

why the hell is chicken expensive in pune??